6 week challenge

Like our 28 Day Challenge, we have seen amazing results over the last 10 years with our clients who have taken on the 6 week challenge.
Similar to the 28 day program but this goes for 6 weeks so you really get into fat burning gear on this program. We’ve seen clients lose up to 10kg whilst doing this and have enjoyed every minute of it.

Ready For A Challenge?

The 6 week challenge includes

  • 3 x 45min semi-private training sessions per week
  • A full meal plan to take the guess work out of your nutrition
  • Our trainers with the knowledge and experience to help you reach your goals
  • A community of like minded indiviuals who are supportive and will help you every step of the way

Eating Habit For Best Performance

We are so confident in our 6 Week Challenge and the results it produces that we offer a full money back guarantee if you don’t lose at least 4kg in the 6 weeks(and that’s being conservative, many have lost more). All you need to do is follow the plan, turn up to training and put in the effort!

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